How do I Use the Create Report Page Follow

Administrators can create a report schedule from the existing reports available and configure it as needed. This is done on the Create Report page.
Administrators can create a new report by going to Main Menu > View Analytics > Report Schedules > Create Report. There are two basic categories of reports: Incremental and Non Incremental. This is selected with a toggle on the Create Report Page
- Incremental:reports aggregate data from a fixed point in time (set byIncremental Report Start), up until the time the report is computed. This means that as the report is recomputed multiple times, the data set will "grow" and later reports will include data aggregated in previous iterations of the same report. (For example, if an incremental monthly report is scheduled for June 1st with the start set to January 1st, the first report will consist of data from January 1st to June 1st, the second report will consist of data from January 1st to July 1st, and so on.)
- Non Incremental:Non-incremental reports aggregate data in non-overlapping fixed time windows, the size of which is determined by the reporting interval. The "late" edge of the window will be the time the report is computed. For example, if a monthly report is scheduled for June 1st, the first report will consist of all of the data for May (the previous month), the second report will consist of all data for June, the third of all data for July, and so forth.
Creating a Report
!!Notice!! When creating a new report, the following report types should not be used:
These are the first two reports in the Type list. Audience Engagement reports should not be run in the report scheduler; these reports are actually run at the individual video level. They are included in this list because they compile a lot of data and need to be scheduled. Running these reports in the report scheduler will not produce any output.

To create a new report:
- On the Report Schedules page, click the Create Report tab.
- Click the Type [1] box and select a report type from the drop-down list. See Report Types below for a description of the various report types.
- Enter a name for the report in the Report Name [2] field.
- If you chose a report type that is run on a container, the Content [3] field appears. Click Add content [4] to select the container on which to run the report.
- In the Repetitions [5] field, select the number of times you want to generate the report. Click or forever [6] to generate the report indefinitely.
- In the First Computed At [7] field, select a date to start generating this report. You can type the date and time or use the date picker on the right. If this is in the past, the report will be run immediately after the report schedule is created.
- Choose the Reporting Interval [8] by selecting a time period in years, months and days. You can type the time period in each field, or use the up and down arrows that appear when hovering over the field to increment and decrement the number.
- If you want an incremental report, click the Incremental [9] toggle and then select a start date for the report data (not all report schedules can be run as incremental).
- Choose the Retention [10] period by selecting a time period in years, months and days. You can type the time period in each field, or use the up and down arrows that appear when hovering over the field to increment and decrement the number.
- Under Recipients [11], click the box and start typing the name of a user in the platform to whom you want to send the report. Click the user's name when it appears, and repeat as needed.
- Click the Create [12] button.
The report schedule is saved and will be run according to the configured schedule.
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