What are the Report Types Follow
The following report types are available in the Type drop-down field when creating a report:
Assignment and Achievement Report Types
These reports are centered around achievable containers and assignments:
Run for the entire platform to show all achievable containers and high level information on the users who have started or achieved an achievable container. Columns include:
- achievable_container_name
- achievable_container_id
- container_created_date
- resources_available
- learners_started
- learners_achieved
- prcnt_started_achieved
- assignment_title_list
- assignment_id_list
Run for the entire platform to show all assignments of achievable Containers and high level user information of users that have achieved the assignment. Columns include:
- assignment_name
- assignment_id
- assigned_container
- assigned_container_id
- assignment_create_date
- due_date
- group_ids_assigned
- learners_assigned
- assigned_resources_count
- learners_achieved
- achieved_percent
Run on an individual achievable container to show specific user information on who has achieved the container. Columns include:
- learner_name
- learner_email
- user_id
- assignment_name
- assigned_date
- achievement_id
- achieved_container_name
- achieved_container_id
- container_created_date
- resources_available
- achieved_date
Run on an achievable container to show all assignments for that container and the users who have completed them. Columns include:
- assignment_title
- assignment_id
- learner_name
- learner_email
- user_id
- assigned_container_title
- assigned_container_id
- assigned_resource_count
- completed_resource_count
- completed_resource_prcnt
- achieved
- achieved_date
- assigned_date
Tenant and Media Statistic Report Types
These reports are centered around overall platform statistics and media information:
Run on a container level to show basic media information. Great for auditing purposes to view any content that may have not been viewed in awhile. Columns include:
- id
- title
- description
- parent_container
- rt_msec
- owner
- link
- total_views
- total_completions
- last_viewed
- created_at
- content_type
Automatically will be generated for all users in the system. This report shows all users with group membership. Columns include:
- id
- username
- first_name
- last_name
- authentication_type
- authentication_name
- locale
- groups
Run on a container level. A basic report to show the number of hits per month on the container which it is run. Columns include:
- month
- number_of_views
Run on a container level. This is a legacy report that shows the unique time each resource was viewed. Columns include:
- reportType
- reportingPeriod
- StartsAt
- reportingPeriodEndsAt
- containerId
- mediumId
- mediumTitle
- hits
- visits
- uniqueViewedTimeMsec
A legacy report that displays media, slide, chapter, and comment info grouped by the last four months. This report can have different amounts of columns based on the reporting interval range.
Automatically will be generated for the entire platform. Shows high level statistics for the entire platform. Columns include:
- tenant_id
- hostname
- updated_at
- total_number_of_videos
- total_number_of_views
- media_last_viewed_at
- total_number_of_users
- total_content_trt_hrs_min
Media Completion Reports
These reports are centered around completion of media:
This report shows a row per user per medium on the container it is pulled for. It will show any media that has been started, whether completed or not. It shows other information of the media as well. Columns include:
- username
- user_id
- first_name
- last_name
- user_deleted
- content_type
- re_content_type
- media_id
- resource_name
- resource_url
- total_run_time
- unique_viewed_time
- pdf_total_seconds_tracked
- elearning_pass_fail
- elearning_score
- youtube_total_seconds_tracked
- complete
- parent_container_id
- parent_container_title
This report shows one row per user on the container it is pulled for. There are columns for user information and then custom columns for each resource on the platform. This report can get very large as there is a column for every single resource. Columns include:
- Username
- First name
- Last name
- Phone number
- Authentication Type
- Authentication Name
- Token code
- Token name
- Token description
- Enrollment Date
- First Login Date
- Total Logins (All Time)
- Last Login Date
- # of Resources Assigned
- # of Resources Completed (All Time)
- # of Resources Completed (Last 7 days)
- Overall SWA Progress
- {Resource Name Progress (0 or 100)}
Other Reports
These reports are centered around other functions of the platform:
This report shows the uncaptioned media (videos and other) within the selected container. Columns include:
- medium_id
- medium_title
- medium_created_at
- medium_creator_id
- medium_creator_username
- medium_url
- parent_container_id
- parent_container_title
- parent_container_url
A report generated on the individual medium level. Will show all the comments and user information. Columns include:
- reportType
- reportingPeriodStartsAt
- reportingPeriodEndsAt
- mediumId
- mediumTitle
- commentTimeMsec
- createdAt
- commentId
- replyId
- parentCommentId
- parentReplyId
- authorUsername
- authorFirstName
- authorLastName
- authorEmail
- commentReplyText
Shows the comments on the resources within the container you choose. Columns include:
- first_name
- last_name
- user_deleted
- id
- comment_text
- parent_comment_id
- media_titlemedia_id
- resource_url
- parent_container_id
- parent_container_title
- time_msec
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