How do I Use the Report Schedules Page Follow
The Instilled Report Scheduler is a tool used to generate reports about content in the Instilled platform and send them via email. These configurable reports have been created by Instilled over the years based on customer requests, and we have made them available to all customers for their reporting needs. Reports are run periodically and sent according to the report configuration.
Administrators can configure reports by going to Main Menu > View Analytics > Report Schedules.
Using the Reports Display Page

The Reports [1] tab of the Report Schedules [2] page lists report schedules that have been created in the Instilled platform. Initially it contains the report schedules that the Instilled team has created. When you create a new report schedule, it will be saved here.

Action icons that allow you to:
- Report Icon [1]: Download a saved report.
- Configure Icon [2]: Edit recipients, deactivate the report schedule, or delete the report schedule.
- Content Image [3]: If a report is on the content level, click the image to launch that content.
The reports columns and definitions are as follows:
- Report [1]: The name and type of the report schedule. Also notes if the report schedule is incremental.
- Recipients [2]: The number of Instilled users that the report will be send to at each reporting interval. Click the number to view the list of users.
- Repetitions [3]: The number of times the report is generated. This value works in concert with the Reporting Interval. For example, if the Reporting Interval is set to 1 month and Repetitions value is set to 24, the report will run every month for 24 months.
- First Computed At [4]: he date and time that the first report was generated.
- Reporting Interval [5]: The time range for which data is reported. This value works in concert with Repetitions.
- Retention [6]: The amount of time after the First Computed At date and time that the report will be available for download on this page.
- Status [7]: The status of the report schedule can be one of the following: Active / Unpaused: The report will be run according to the configured reporting interval until the number of repetitions has been reached. Deactivated / Unpaused: After the number of repetitions has been reached, the status changes to Deactivated / Unpaused and the report will not run any longer.
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