How to Navigate an Achievable Container Follow
When inside an achievable container, the title [1], status [2], and description [3] appear on the canopy image, as well as the due date [4] if you have assigned the container to a group and configured a due date for that assignment.
The possible container statuses are:
- Not Started
- In Process
- Achieved
Wherever you see an achievable container's Status button, you can click it to see how much of the container's resources you have completed.

The thumbnail icons for the resource types are also a different style for achievable containers, the container title and description have moved up onto the canopy image, and the Play All button [1] and container options (Manage [2], Metrics [3], Share [4]) have moved to the bottom of the canopy image, where the container options are now in an action icon [5] next to Play All.
The title indicates this is about Archiving and the article is about Achievable.
Same with this article.
Hello Chris,
Thank you for bringing this typo to our attention! The error has been corrected.
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