How do I Create Assignments Follow
Achievable containers can be assigned to existing user groups for completion. There are two types of assignments:
- No Due Date: Users in the groups that have been assigned the achievable container will have an indefinite amount of time to complete the container. All past metrics will count towards completion.
- Due Date: Users in the groups that have been assigned the achievable container will have until the deadline date to complete the container. All past metrics will count towards completion.
If new content is added after a user has achieved the container, they will keep the achievement. In other words, they will not have to go back and complete the added resources. However, if a user has not started or is in progress on the resources in the achievable container and new content is added, they will have to complete the added resources to get the achievement.
Users can achieve a container without being assigned. Any user can get an achievement by completing all the resources within the achievable container. This means that upon completing an achievable container that was assigned to them, users will receive two emails: one for completing the assignment, and another for completing the container. If you want to disable the container completion notification, contact your Instilled representative.
!!Note: You must have the Learning Manager permission in order to create assignments!!
To assign an achievable container to a group

1. In an achievable container, click the Actions icon [1] in the bottom right corner, then select Manage [2].

2. Click the Assignments tab[1].

3. If at least one assignment has been configured, click the Create Assignment button [1] to add a new assignment. If no assignments have been configured yet, just proceed to the next step.
4. Add an assignment title in the Title field [2].
5. If you want to set a due date, click the radio button next to Set a deadline for completion [3] and then click the Date field [4] on the right to select a due date.
6. Under Select User Groups [5], click the box and start typing the name of a user group that you want to assign to the achievable container.
7. Select the group when it appears.
8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 if you want to assign the container to multiple groups.
9. Click Create [6].
Upon being assigned to a container, users in the group will receive an email notice that they have been assigned the container. When they have completed the content, they will get email notices informing them that they completed the assignment and achievable container. There are no built-in email notifications sent when a user is approaching a deadline or has missed it. Administrators can click into achievable containers and see the assignments as well as some related metrics:
- Number of users assigned
- Number of users completed
- Completion rate
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