How do I Configure on a Resource Follow

To configure the action on a resource, navigate to the resource, click the More Options [1] icon, and select Manage [2].
Select the Custom Attributes Values [3] tab.

Select the CA Name dropdown of medium.completion.description [1]. Enter the text you would like to display in the pop up in the Value [2] section. Then click Save [3].

Next, select the CA Name Dropdown of[1]
- Enter the URL of the website[2] that you would like the user to be sent to when clicking the button in the pop-up.
- Click save[3]
How does it look
Once a user has reached the Completion threshold for the resource, a pop up window will display in the player. Clicking the Continue [1] button will take the user to the link that was provided in the Custom Attribute value. The Cancel [2] button will close the pop up.
Things to Consider.
The Completion Threshold is different per the different types of resources. Completion is achieved by:
- For Videos: completion occurs when a user has watched 90% unique of the video. This value can be changed for the entire platform. For instance, if you wanted completion for video to be triggered at 50%, this is a value that can be changed. It is important to note that it takes effect on all videos so you couldn't set one video to mark complete at 90% and one video to mark complete at 50%. It is a global setting.
- For PDF documents, these are marked Complete when a user has spent 5 or more seconds on 95% of the slides. This is another setting that can be changed if you want the values to be less or more. Again, this is a global setting so it would take effect for all PDF's and they would all have the same completion criteria.
- For eLearning resources, the course itself controls completion. The completion status is sent TO Instilled by the course so Instilled cannot control whether or not the course has been Completed. The course developer can configure the course to send completion many different ways depending on the tool used to author the course. If you are unsure of how the course is sending the Complete status, please consult with the course developer.
- For External Links, these mark complete simply when launched.
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