Instilled Version Release 2020.23
- KPD-2432 - MyLearning - MyActivity “Feed”
- KPD-3037 - Up Next main card shows inaccurate due date message
- KPD-3042 - Embed=true qsp for container doesn't remove Canopy Image
- KPD-2739 - As an OpenLMS administrator, I would like to be able to use something like the Kaltura connector for OpenLMS to integrate with Instilled
- KPD-2976 - Report table is out-of-bounds
- KPD-2981 - Instilled Media Gallery in Moodle
- KPD-2983 - Ability to edit a Video in Moodle (Crop/PPT)
- KPD-2984 - Ability change the video settings (On/Off)
- KPD-2987 - As a course manager, I would like to upload an Instilled video bypassing the Moodle file system
- KPD-2988 - Rustici not handling youtube content properly
- KPD-3013 - As a teacher, I want the ability to edit the title and description of a video within the card
- KPD-3017 - Completion Actions - pop up modal on the player that will come up when competition of a medium happens
- KPD-3022 - As a teacher, I want the ability to filter videos in Moodle by search term
- KPD-3036 - Add public link share toggle to share modal
- KPD-3107 - As a power user, I would like to be able to easily brand my tenant with custom CSS
- KPD-3132 - Open LMS: moodle issues
- KPD-3178 - As a non-privileged user, I should not be allowed to navigate to settings pages
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